Fashion,  Portrait-Photography

Maria – Contribution to Comp Card

When starting a model career, you need to consider a few essentials. Besides a good attitude and certainly industry desired body attributes, it takes a few more things. Most important is the Comp Card or Sedcard.

This simple card in paper or nowadays also in electronic format, holds the basic information about you and more important shows you as you are – not as you could look like. That is an important aspect, which is often overlooked. Agencies and clients first want to see you wearing nude make up, to really see how your face looks without any fancy alterations. For that you need to have a good portrait.

You also need a full body shot, showing your body shape. You can either wear a tight shirt and leggings or underwear. These are the must have images.

For the rest of the space on the card you can inspire them by giving them images, which show you in different styles and outfits. But those should be in line with your targeted clientele. It is preferred showing as many different variations of your look as possible.

Although they should have enough imagination, visualizing you in different outfits, it does not hurt, stimulating them a bit by providing images of you in various possible ways. The wider the span, the better, but always covering your targeted market segment.