Fashion Shooting for Celf identity
Celf identity is a young Shanghai brand, managed by the two designers Cherish Bai and Allen Liu. Cherrish studied at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and already worked for Phillip Lim and Ellie Tahari. Allen studied at the Billy Blue College of Design in Sidney and has working expereience with Gucci and Burberry.
We did a shooting with some of their latest designs and made a short video of the session.
Celf identity’s brand image (text by Celf identity):
Celf Identity, a women’s wear brand, was founded in 2018 by two post-90s overseas returnees. Celf comes from Self. The reason of the C is because of the two founders both have the letter in their names. Secondly, we want to make real “Created in China”, not just “Made in China”. The name Celf Identity is also a summary of our brand style: independent, unique and narcissistic. At the same time, we also hope that more and more women can ignore other people’s opinions, pay more attention to their real habbits and needs, live their own real life.
Celf Identity is a long-planned escape from the stereotypical concrete jungle and criticism from the others, is a journey to find the true self. We advocate sexless-sexy, which is an independent and self-confident sexuality, beauty lies in the inner, Instead of the surface. Celf Identity Girls is a group of women who don’t care what others say, they love themselves from the bottom of their hearts and accept all of them. They are independent and confident, they live the way they love to.

Pop Art - Fashion Image

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